30 May 2012

Worst Listing Photos Ever!

Let’s start with, not so much a bad picture, but a “Someone actually walked into a store and picked that out” photo. Geez Louise, talk about specific taste, 9.9/10 people will need to tear that out. Hope the listing agent didn’t promise them top dollar!




Congratulations, you’ve got a cool condo listing! Now go and market the heck out of it. Or go and take a terrible photo like this and let the place sit on the market for 5 months. Just as an FYI, Henry’s camera store has all kinds of photography courses, if you’re not going to hire a pro, at least learn how to take a proper shot.




Thanks for this shot Mr. Realtor! I really wanted to know what the bottom of the patio set looked like. Can’t wait for the shot of the crawl space under the deck!





Ok, so this house comes with a door, good to know. What am I supposed to be looking at here?





After spending $125,000 on a gut renovation do you think the Seller would appreciate seeing this? Mr. Realtor, you’re earning a solid commission, please make the effort and hire a pro to take the photos!




Here’s another awesome shot from the same house. Nice shower curtain!





Um, what? And this house was listed for over $500K. Clearly it’s a bedroom but not really sure what the Realtor was thinking with this one. Wonder if the hat comes with the house.





Well, well, well, look who’s back. Same guy as above, same house, another terrible photo. So I’m guessing the hanging hat and the interesting arrangement come with the house, right?





I’m a huge fan of HDR photography but when you rooms start to look like cartoon drawings you’ve got a problem. Also, let’s try and hold the camera straight next time.





Believe it or not, this home was quite stunning. This Realtor was so in love with the kitchen he was all over it. Literally, must have been straddling the island to get this shot.

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