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What is MoveSnap?

Every day there’s another app, service, product that’s trying to solve a problem that doesn’t exist but today a man  by the name of Reuven Gorsht walked into the Spring HQ and literally blew me away with his creation. If you’re an adult and you’ve moved you know how much of a pain changing your address and moving your services can be. You always forget one and remember down the road when you’ve missed that credit card payment or didn’t get your drivers license renewal form.

MoveSnap goes a lot further by essentially being your concierge the moment you decide to move. Here’s what their dashboard looks like. You can do EVERYTHING in one place, very quickly.

MoveSnap Dashboard

Move ALL of your utilities, phone, internet, cable: EVERYTHING

MoveSnap Dashboard 1

Just so it’s crystal clear: EVERYTHING in one place.MoveSnap Dashboard 2

Some Background

Co-Founder Reuven Gorsht has spent years working with the World’s largest brands helping them create unforgettable customer experiences which clearly shows in his work with MoveSnap.

When you look at today’s home buyer experience in real estate, home buyers (and sellers) typically experience an emotional rollercoaster through the various phases of searching, comparing, negotiating and closing a deal.   When a deal is done, home buyers (or sellers)  feel great and crack open a bottle of champagne to celebrate.    However, what ensues over the next few weeks, as they prepare to move, is pure stress and anxiety. – Reuven Gorsht / Co-Founder MoveSnap

We’ve been testing their back-end for a few hours now and haven’t found a single flaw. This is quite literally the easiest system we’ve ever seen to help people move. Give it a try and let us know what you think.

You’re welcome 🙂





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