24 Oct 2020

Province of Ontario Surprises Toronto’s Canary District with Massive Zoning Order

This order now allows three buildings to take the place of the current (unused and deteriorating) old foundry building at 147-153 Eastern Ave.

Turns out searching Toronto development lands and old properties like a true real estate nerd has it’s benefits.

In this case I discovered an INSANE Zoning Order forced down the City of Toront’s throat to immediately allow for three buildings to take the place of the old foundry building at 147-153 Eastern in the Canary District just South of Corktown.

153 Eastern Ave old foundry building

Please note that there are currently no development plans and we’re not at risk of seeing three giant cranes up there tomorrow. The zoning has been changed as of October 22nd so we should start to hear more about what the plan is soon.

The order is fairly vague at the moment but I’ll summarize below

  • Three Buildings
  • One must be a rental apartment building
  • No parking allowed for the apartment building
  • 141 Metre Max Height that means 42 Storeys folks…wow

There are a ton of other parking and amenity related points in the e-laws post on the Province’s website.

I’ll reserve my comments for when we hear what the actual plans are and why it needed to be forced on the City like this.

Two other orders for the remaining provincially owned sites were also handed down but they were expected. The Sites on Cherry St bound by Mill St and Front St were part of the Province’s affordable housing commitment to deliver more rental units to market in partnership with the City of Toronto and CMHC

Provincially Owned Cherry St Site

I asked local councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam on Twitter (@aramammo) what she thought of the zoning order so follow me there to see if she responds.

Thanks for your attention! DM or find me on socials to talk about this or anything else 🙂

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